Saturday, March 06, 2010

21. Boston Jane by Jennifer Holm

At first, I didn't really like this book.  The writing was too simplistic and Jane was a very silly character.  Then I realized that it was written for a much younger audience; and I started to enjoy it much more.

Jane is the daughter of a doctor.  Her mother died when she was born and her upbringing has been very conventional for the 1840's.  At the age of eleven, she is humiliated by a older girl and decides to do all she can to become a lady and change her tomboyish ways.  This is where I found Jane to be so silly.  When she is fifteen, she accepts a marriage proposal and travels to the frontier of Oregon to join her fiance.  The voyage itself begins to test Jane's most cherished notions of being a lady; and, once she reaches Oregon, things become even worse.  The humor is great although there is a great deal of sadness in the story as well.  Reading about how Jane reacts to her circumstances was very entertaining and made this book a worthwhile read.  Although Jane is the only really fleshed-out character in the book, there are other interesting personalities who add spice to the tale in small ways.  I would like to have been to know more about them as well. 
Rating:  4
Catching Up Challenge

1 comment:

  1. I loved this book - and loved the sequels even more! :)
