I've decided that I quite like Harlequin Next novels. They are romances without the sleaze, served up with a big helping of humor. This book includes a mystery and I loved the way it played out. The heroine, Stacy, is in the middle of a rocky divorce. Her husband has left her for a strip tease dancer and wants everything. But then, his plane crashes on a mountain slope in Montana and the body seems to have been dragged off by a hungry bear. But his actions prior to his decline have caugth the interest of law enforcement and Stacy finds herself under suspicion. Along the way she meet a fine-looking and upstanding county deputy and a darkly good-looking insurance investigator. Her two co-workers are the kind of women who are characters but always have your back. And Stacy is just enough of a mess to keep the humor going. What a fun surprise this light, fluffy book was.
Rating: 4.25
What a funny title. And the look on that bear's face is hilarious.