This book is a sequel to
Dandelion Wine which I absolutely loved. I found Bradbury's prose and descriptions wonderful and the story made you long for simpler times. Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy
Farewell Summer at all. In fact, I didn't finish it. Somehow the descriptions overwhelmed me. There was a storyline somewhere amidst all the flowers but it was very unappealing to me. Maybe I should have stuck with it but there are just too many other books I want to read. After fifty pages, I gave up. Since this was part of my Catching Up Challenge, I feel good at least knowing it is no longer languishing on the shelf.
Rating: DNF
Catching Up Challenge
I read and loved Dandelion Wine many, many years ago. I think it was 1976 and I was in junior high. I have a copy that I've meant to re-read for far too long and I wound up buying a copy of Farewell Summer, intending to read it once I'd re-read Dandelion Wine. Now I'm not too sure I'll do the latter. Maybe I'll just stick with my original plan to re-read Dandelion Wine. Gosh, it was good!