I had training in Provo yesteday so this Book-on-CD was my choice to keep me awake on the trip out and back. I really struggled driving out Tuesday so maybe the story just wasn't quite gripping enough. Assistant D.A. Alex Cooper specializes in sex crimes and the book begins with one; but the real mystery involves a murder at the Met that her colleague, Mike Chapman, a homocide detective, enlists her help on. (Sorry about that run-on sentence) The sex crime involves a Turkish doctor who drugs and then has sex with his unconscious victims. The case seems pretty cut and dried to me but the judge is quite the Neanderthal. I found his crude and sexist remarks quite unbelievable for a New York judge in this era. Maybe twenty years ago, judges viewed rape victims as asking for it, but do they still? The main mystery involved the murder of a prima donna ballerina who is thrown down an air shaft at the Met. We are introduced to some shady characters who are rich and powerful in the theatre scene. My real problem is that there are not very many clues that lead you to the actual murderer. But there is a good rescue scene and the descriptions of some of New York's theaters.
Rating: 3.5
I'm not sure my widget thingy is letting me know every time you post. I missed book 64 and 65.