"Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
"In a small town square of a sleepy Georgia town, seven-year-old Annie sits at her lemonade stand, raising money for her own heart transplant. At a nearby store, Reese flips through the newspaper, thinking about the latest boat hes restoring. As a beat-up bread truck careens around the corner, a strong wind blows Annies money into the road. Reese looks up in time to see Annies yellow dress fluttering in the wind as she runs into the road. What happens next will change both of their lives forever. Richly atmospheric and evocative, with the kind of characters that move into your heart and take up residence, Charles Martins new novel will resonate with fans of God-haunted southern fiction, and with anyone who enjoys a solidly crafted, heart-touching story." Amazon Review
"The human heart is remarkable in that it is designed to pump continuously for a hundred and twenty years without ever needing to be reminded what is was meant to do. It just does it. In all my reading and study, I have come to know one thing without any shadow of doubt: if anything in this universe reflects the fingerprints of God, it is the human heart."
I loved this book. I learned so much about the human heart . . . really fascinating facts about the organ we all take for granted but simply can't live without. But the book also explores the heart as the center of our feelings, thoughts and experiences. It is beautiful how Martin intertwines these two views in a wonderful story about love and redemption. Through the whole story, Reese fights against what he is meant to do until a final gripping experience shows him the way. Rating: 5
7 months ago